

Qulaifications & AccreditationsAzteck ensures that associates are qualified for the work they undertake.  At the most basic level this will be founded on a degree from a substantial UK university and will have been enhanced through a programme of continuing professional development (CPD).

Clients particularly value Azteck associates' experience and ability to assimilate into their team.


Larger consulting firms often place consultants who, while having excellent qualifications, have next to no practical experience.  Azteck is different.  For instance, our manufacturing specialist has been in manufacturing since 1974, he has managed departments of over 100 staff, ( case study ) and has made significant contribution to the manufacturing processes of 'world' products, ( case study ).

The consultant you meet will be the consultant who works for you.

Clients appreciate our hands-on style and comment on how much they benefit from our practical experience.

" [Azteck] worked well with all members of my team, balancing well the need to both be part of that team but to view each project with a "fresh pair of eyes".  He interacted extremely well across all levels from shop floor to director and his expertise and enthusiasm won respect from all.     .

 From projects implemented we expect savings of £124,000 p.a. against a cost outlay of £92.  Further savings in excess of £600,000 p.a. were identified all with paybacks of less than one year. "
Stephen T.J. Barron, Factory Manager, Crosby Sarek Ltd

 Read the entire testimonial, ( testimonial )


From time to time Azteck seeks accreditation.  The most significant of which are associates' membership of the professional institutions relevant to their field.  Such institutions have demanding acceptance criteria and enforce strict codes of ethics and professional conduct.

Currently Nic Williamson holds:

Eur Ing a professional engineer qualified to operate in all countries of Europe.  Accredited by the European Federation of National Engineering Associations.

CEng Chartered Engineer

FIET Fellow of the Institution of Engineering & Technology


FIEE Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers,
which merged to become the IET, (above).
FIMechE Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
PricewaterhouseCoopers  Member of the Turnaround Panel of Directors and advisors.  

Historically, accreditations and memberships have been achieved and allowed to lapse for cost / benefit reasons, or the schemes have been discontinued:


The Southwest Register The register of consultants for Business Link and DTI grant funded work.
National Business Link Consultant Register     'Listed on the National Business Link Consultant Register'.
Institution of Electrical Engineers Registered as a provider of CPD activities 'for the maintenance or achievement of a competence relevant to an individual's Continuing Professional Development.'
Nic Williamson  LicIQA Licentiate of The Institute of Quality Assurance
  MIPkg     Member of the Institute of Packaging
  MInstD     Member of the Institute of Directors
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Profit from Experience